Fertility Acupuncture in SouthportFor Merseyside and Liverpool

Pregnancy. Pregnant

Pregnancy Support

Acupuncture can be used as a safe and effective method of treatment throughout pregnancy.  Many women choose to use Acupuncture to support their wellbeing and reduce some of the negative side affects of pregnancy.  Women commonly visit the clinic with nausea, PSD, migraine, back pain, pre-birth preparation and for induction.

And also to treat feelings of tiredness & fatigue and any stress or anxiety regarding being pregnant.

Suggested schedule of treatment during pregnancy:

Weeks 0-12

During the first trimester we recommend weekly sessions of Acupuncture, depending on the patient history. Acupuncture in the first 12 weeks can be used to try to help prevent miscarriage, reduce feelings of fatigue and nausea and help reduce anxiety and worry.

Weeks 12-36

After the 12 week scan Acupuncture can then be reduced to monthly sessions.

Weeks 36-40

In the final weeks of pregnancy a series of Acupuncture treatments are offered to prepare the body for childbirth and help build energy reserves to prepare the mother-to-be for the post-natal period.

Weeks 40-42

Induction Acupuncture, with the confirmation of your Midwife or Doctor, is often recommended as a safe and natural way to establish labour.

Pregnancy. Library Image: Happy Baby

Memberships are with The Acupuncture Society , British Register of Complementary Practitioners , Zita Wests Fertility Network and Acupuncture Fertility Network


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